

Las brochetas son tan vers?tiles como tu las quieras hacer. / Flickr: franzconde

UNCERTAIN is a visually stunning and disarmingly funny portrait of the literal and figurative troubled waters of Uncertain, Texas. In a 94-resident town so tucked away youve got to be lost to find it, three Uncertain men make their own bids for survival looking to find a more certain future. An ex-convict obsessed with Mr. Ed, a gigantic boar he hunts in order to stay on the straight and narrow. A young idealist with big plans but few prospects looking for a bigger life. And an aging fisherman learning to let go of his youthful ways, and making peace with a fateful moment thirty years ago. All the while Uncertains vast, swampy lake is being choked by an aquatic weed, upsetting the natural balance and the towns only source of livelihood.